terça-feira, 21 de abril de 2009

to my "girls", specially for belinha

«Is it much to admit I need
A solid soul and the blood I bleed
With a little girl, and by my spouse
I only want a proper house
I don't care for fancy things
Or to take part in a precious race
And children cry for the one who has
A real big heart and a father's grace
I don't mean to seem
like I care about material things
like a social status
I just want four walls
and adobe slabs for my girls »

2 comentários:

Belinha disse...

Quatro paredes... e ser feliz... pode ser TUDO. Tens razão mosquinha, amiga....mas à cautela, nunca devemos deixar acabar o La Mer...

mouche albértine disse...

quatro paredes caiadas e uma cara asseada, pois então!