domingo, 4 de janeiro de 2009


«It was almost to the end of the world
That my wandering boat
Straying at the will of the waves
Led me one day
The isle is very small
But the kind fairy that lives there
Invites us
To take a look around

Is the land of our desires
Is happiness, pleasure
Is the land where we forget all our worries
It is in our night, like a bright rift
The star we follow
It is Youkali

Is the respect of all vows exchanged
Is the land of love returned
It is the hope
That is in every human heart
The deliverance
We await for tomorrow

Is the land of our desires
Is happiness, pleasure
But it is a dream, a folly
There is no Youkali

And life carries us along
Tediously, day by day
But the poor human soul
Seeking forgetfulness everywhere
Has, in order to escape the world
Managed to find the mystery
In which our dreams burrow themselves
In some Youkali

Is the land of our desires
Is happiness, pleasure
Is the land where we forget all our worries
It is in our night, like a bright rift
The star we follow
It is Youkali

Is the respect of all vows exchanged
Is the land of love returned
It is the hope
That is in every human heart
The deliverance
We await for tomorrow

Is the land of our desires
Is happiness, pleasure
But it is a dream, a folly
There is no Youkali

But it is a dream, a folly
There is no Youkali »

hoje acordei com uma vontade imensa de voltar a adormecer e assim me deixar ficar até ao regresso da primavera. mas o telefone tocou e acordei. a realidade é sempre mais forte que o sonho.visitei o nosso blogue para dar conta das novidades e, no bote de um post, de repente e sem que nada tivesse feito para isso, embarquei para youkali, onde, na pele de uma femme fatale dancei com um gangster, e que bem que me soube.
é engraçado como este mundo da internet nos pode transformar nuns/numas nerds alienados. atenção à navegação companheiras!
aqui fica a banda sonora para combater cepticamente os cantos das sereias/tritões cibernaúticas/os . este blogue - parece-me- está a ficar um lugar estranho, correndo o risco de se tornar numa comédia de enganos.

1 comentário:

luís disse...

Pois é, minha querida... tens mesmo de ver o Cabaré para reencontrar youkali. Em versão tropical, é certo, mas ainda assim vale a pena. Beijos.